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Michael Bull is a Reader in Media at the University of Sussex. He is the author of Sounding out the City. Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life (Berg 2000) and Sound Moves. iPod Culture and Urban Experience (Routledge 2007). He also co-edited the Auditory Culture Reader with Les Back (Berg 2003) and is a founding editor of the Journal Senses and Society (Berg). He is the Director of The Centre for Material Digital Culture at Sussex and a core member of the European Think Tank ‘Future Trends Forum’ based in Madrid. He has acted as advisor to several major companies including the Apple Corporation. He has just published a four volume edited edition on Sound Studies for Routledge (2013) and is presently writing a monograph on the history of sonic connections for the University of Illinois Press.


Michael Bull專欄

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Privatizing the City Street: From the Walkman to the iPhone? [2013年02月05日17:57]